I am missing the ash catcher on my 96 model 22.5 and if I am going to have to buy one, it looks like the gold OTG setup isnt much more $. Any put one of these on an older model with the 3 wheel intakes?
You can't put the OTG setup on a 3 wheeler. Sorry.. 8)
You wouldn't be able to install an ash sweep setup, but you should be able to install the ring and ash pan if you really wanted to.
The only hang ups would be how you mounted the ring to the bowl, and how you would adjust/close the vents. You would have to be somewhat creative, but plenty of guys have added newer bowl rings onto older one-touch kettles. I don't see why you couldn't do it for a three wheeler as well. The adjusting and closing the vents would be the big hangup I believe. I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
For the price of a new ash pan, you could probably find a one touch kettle on Craigslist. I'd probably go that route, and keep the three wheeler around as a backup or 2nd kettle
My original statement stands. It won't work as he is hoping! The 3 Wheeler vents are in no position to align up with the bucket ring.
Heyjude is correct.
As you can see, the "ash ring" of the OTG ash management system would conflict with the daisy wheels.
Also, a new ash pan is only 1/2 the price of the OTG set up. 8)
Cook with only 1 or 2 of the daisy vents open and there will be less ash falling out. Works every time.
Well I guess scrap that idea. The OTG setup looks like it is $25.69 eReplacement parts and the Silver ash catcher is $15.99 on Amazon so I figured for $10 difference I would just ask.
Anyone know of a cheaper place for the silver ash catcher than $15.99 shipped?
That's about the going rate. Having said that, with the coals to one side of the bowl and only 2 of the 4 daisys open, there's no need for an ash catcher unless you really want one to complete the look...
I meant 3 not 4
Also I may have a modern spare pan if you need one.
You have a spare silver ash pan? If so, let me know how much you want..
Quote from: indy82z on June 21, 2014, 08:27:17 AM
You have a spare silver ash pan? If so, let me know how much you want..
Check your inbox ;)
Quote from: indy82z on June 21, 2014, 08:20:31 AM
Well I guess scrap that idea. The OTG setup looks like it is $25.69 eReplacement parts and the Silver ash catcher is $15.99 on Amazon so I figured for $10 difference I would just ask.
Anyone know of a cheaper place for the silver ash catcher than $15.99 shipped?
Run to a restaurant supply store- you could prob get a stainless platter/bowl the same diameter for less.
I once used a pie tin on a beater 18.. I couldn't justify paying more for the ash pan than what I paid for the whole grill! 8)