Basically my stir fry/ lo mein combination.
1 lb of cubed beef, some peppers and onions, stir fry sauce and some angel hair pasta. I did two boxes of angel hair because I wanted leftovers for lunch tomorrow but 1 box will do no doubt.
Set up..... Oiled and ready to pre heat (for 8-10 minutes)
beef on (about 5 minutes of browning)
add peppers and onions..simmer 10 minutes.
add stir fry sauce (chefs discretion) this is my favorite.
Noodles off the stove and into the kettle. (again 1 box is enough unless you want leftovers) cooked another 5 minutes.
about time to pull off and enjoy...
Forgot the last pic. Tapatalk for iPhone won't let me edit. >:D
"About time to pull off and enjoy"
It is possible we're going to need a plated shot of this......ya know?
.........beat me to it !!!!!
Wow, that looks amazing.. :P
Looks great! One of my favorite things to cook on the kettle!