In case anyone is curious...
The Performer lid is a 2012 C&B and the Smokey Joe is a 2014 ULine. Pretty darn close but the C&B is a shade or two darker.
I'm curious and thanks for posting
I have the C&B SJG and would love the Uline. Unfortunately the postage is a killer, is the Uline available in a SJG?
it is a SJG :P
Interesting. The Ulines I see here on eBay are all SJS, the only one listed on their site:
Quote from: Hogsy on May 13, 2014, 11:02:40 PM
I'm curious and thanks for posting
I have the C&B SJG and would love the Uline. Unfortunately the postage is a killer, is the Uline available in a SJG?
Is there any chance you'd consider a trade for my Uline (Mine is a silver - I don't think it comes in a gold?) that way we'd only be looking at postage. I am searching for a C&B to match my performer :)
I will shoot you a pm just in case your interested. Cheers.