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Author Topic: Grail-fella network  (Read 4536 times)

pbe gummi bear

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Grail-fella network
« on: October 25, 2013, 10:39:12 PM »

I know alot of you are frustrated about the rising costs of kettles. I still believe that locking the trading post will not matter and hurt the club in the long run. Glrasmussen had a great idea earlier to email a WKC advisor about grills that you would like to keep in the club. This is what I am envisioning:

If you find a SUPER rare grill and:

1- you don't want it
2- you don't know anyone that wants it
3- have no way to access said kettle
4- it's not public information yet
5- want it to stay in the WKC

You can pm or email the Grail-Fella (let's assume that person is me for now).

The Grail-fella's job is to do everything reasonably possible to get this grill into a local WKC member's hands. It will be the responsibility of that Grail-fella to:

1- Know who is in that area and in the market.
2- Know who is looking for what.
3- Have tools at his disposal to contact members.*

All members have access to email and pm of other members but only the Grail-fella will have access to "*the grill fella database"

The "Grill-fella database" is:

1- Earned by being an active and positive member of the WKC. The Grail-fella knows you already.
2- Opt-in. You can sign up for the database with your location. This does not guaranteed you will be contacted right away. I heard the Grail-fella is a nice guy but he prefers to get to know you first if you are new.  :)
3- Part of the google map of WKC members
4- Allow you to have multiple locations in case a back up plan (Plan B) is needed.
5- Only active members will be contacted.

This gives preference to LOCAL members (Plan A), members' agents (Plan B), and then finally posted publically on WKC (Plan C) after A&B are exhausted.

The Grail-fella network is not for kinda rare stuff. This is not for a Red Master Touch. This is not for a SS Performer. You will know a grail when you see one.

This is all just an idea for now, but this could work. It's no work to you if you find something but kettle karma pays dividends well.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 10:41:40 PM by pbe gummi bear »
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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2013, 10:52:48 PM »
I like it!

Willing to trade first born for: *Ranger (any colour) *Westerner (yeah right)

*Imperial (Glen-Blue) *Brown GA

Thin Blue Smoke

  • WKC Ranger
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Grail-fella network
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 05:34:54 AM »
Sounds great...... Unless your in Chicago surrounded by Grail-fella/advisors. :) 

Seriously though, what you are talking about is not using the training post for what it was made for. Why not just eliminate it all together?  We could put everything In the hands of the advisors and let them decide who gets a crack at what. I like you all but I don't think that is a good idea. What if I am interested in a grill as well as one of the four advisors that surround me?

I generally think those members that have been in a while have developed the tools to recognize different ways to deal with grails and how to delay the posting of an item in the trading post. Some are going to slip by. The question, in my opinion, is can we keep WKC members from bidding against each other. I think the answer to that is likely no.


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2013, 05:41:04 AM »
 The question, in my opinion, is can we keep WKC members from bidding against each other. I think the answer to that is likely no.

That's certainly the bottom line question, and in order to give everyone a fair shot, I think that's near impossible.  We'll be right back to an Ebay scenario within the club in my opinion.
Kettle collector AND cooker!

pbe gummi bear

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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2013, 06:14:18 AM »
Sounds great...... Unless your in Chicago surrounded by Grail-fella/advisors. :) 

Seriously though, what you are talking about is not using the training post for what it was made for. Why not just eliminate it all together?  We could put everything In the hands of the advisors and let them decide who gets a crack at what. I like you all but I don't think that is a good idea. What if I am interested in a grill as well as one of the four advisors that surround me?

I generally think those members that have been in a while have developed the tools to recognize different ways to deal with grails and how to delay the posting of an item in the trading post. Some are going to slip by. The question, in my opinion, is can we keep WKC members from bidding against each other. I think the answer to that is likely no.

Chicago is a free for all. :) I think this is probably most useful for those grills that are just out of network to prevent members from bidding against outsiders and each other.

I really don't see using this too often and I know people already do this. If I found something super rare that's not in my area, I do not post it in the trading post right away. I will contact those that I know in that area to give them a first crack.

This isn't 100% fair and I realize that but I do think it is in the spirit of the WKC. eBay is fair for everyone but then it all comes down to $. As with everything about this topic, I am torn but happy we can discuss them and listen to new ideas.
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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2013, 07:18:20 AM »
I'm a newb. And as a newb I realize that I haven't been here long enough to have developed much trust or even have an opinion that carries weight, but some day I may do someone right and be elevated to "grill-fella".  So I know that I'm low guy on the totem pole and if 5 grill fellas and 1 newb contact local advisor to pick up a grail I know that I would be SOL. So how would it be handled if several members show interest in the same item?  First come first serve maybe? Seniority? Post count?

Personally, if I find something interesting, rare, or plain friggin awesome the last thing I am going to do is post the link on the trading post immediately. I know that items go unseen if not posted and that the debate now is if that's the right thing to do, but lurkers be lurkin. We all know that people are looking at the trading post and contacting sellers that aren't members. Locking the trading post won't change anything because they will just create an account.  Limiting access to active members will only make those lurkers post-count-boost.

Google map idea is a decent idea but how do you know your not gonna get sniped by that local agent? Trust and faith is a MFr isn't it?! Everyone should just add their "white whale" or"Grail" to signature. Members should pay attention to other members signature. Seeing other members posts with more frequency (i.e. "Active member") will pound it in people's minds what members are looking for and would make it more likely to get a PM from another grill-fella informing him of the grail. 

Now if we could just get everyone to agree to not post stuff as soon as it's found....
« Last Edit: October 26, 2013, 09:49:39 AM by MINIgrillin »
Seville. CnB performer:blue,green,gray. 26r. 18otg. Karubeque C-60.


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2013, 07:55:54 AM »


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #7 on: October 26, 2013, 07:56:04 AM »


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #8 on: October 26, 2013, 07:56:18 AM »


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2013, 07:56:26 AM »


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #10 on: October 26, 2013, 07:56:33 AM »


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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2013, 07:56:44 AM »

Thin Blue Smoke

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Grail-fella network
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2013, 07:58:00 AM »


Sorry..... But that made me laugh!  Thanks!  :)

Ken Mc

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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2013, 08:07:09 AM »
way too funny G$....... good thinking...
Lookin' for a flat top 26"( not black)

pbe gummi bear

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Re: Grail-fella network
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2013, 08:43:31 AM »
Post count, or common sense and courtesy. I don't think you can have 1000+ posts here and not play nicely. After a certain point post count doesn't matter.

Usually I go first come first served for the NorCal locals. That's fair enough for me.
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