Breaking in the kettle - 6 racks of loin backs

Started by Bbqmiller, August 29, 2013, 08:17:55 AM

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Well, I guess this the way to break in a new kettle. This is the second cook.
Homemade smokenator from cutup foil pan, and kettle set up for indirect.

Lighting a few stubb's - found a use for my mom's charbroil.

Meat on grill

Temp setting in around 240 or so

Never cooked this many ribs on a standard kettle - if I was home, I would use the 22 WSM.
You forget how versatile the standard kettle is when you have a WSM.

Tim in PA

-2012 Black Performer-2006 Green OTG-2009 Q Gasser-


Quote from: Tim in PA on August 29, 2013, 08:27:32 AM
Is that a Weber rib rack?
No, it is an off-brand SS rack from lowes. It is one of those that you can flip and use as a roasting rack.

Tim in PA

-2012 Black Performer-2006 Green OTG-2009 Q Gasser-


Quote from: Tim in PA on August 29, 2013, 09:19:52 AM
Cool. What did that run you?
It was like 12-13 bucks. I found it on another website(see pic below). It didn't come up in a search on lowes app.


Ribs came out great. Everyone liked them. Not my best but pretty good.

I used Magic Dust as the rub (made from Walmart brand spices) and one chunk of apple.


Looks like Oh-Meat-Thirty (0-meat-:30), or however you spell that to me.....

Nice, nice cookup, packing them all in !!!!

I'm gonna show people those pics when they start whinin' about havin' a hard time squeezing on more than one flat......
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


Looks super.  Did you find the ribs closest to the fuel cooked faster?


I need a red head in my life, and a roti ring.


Brilliant work. They look great.

Can I ask if you rotated the position of the ribs through the cook or did you just leave them where they were?

Willing to trade first born for: *Ranger (any colour) *Westerner (yeah right)

*Imperial (Glen-Blue) *Brown GA


Quote from: G$ on August 29, 2013, 07:22:17 PM
Looks super.  Did you find the ribs closest to the fuel cooked faster?

Yes, the ones closest to the coals and the farthest seem to cook The fastest. I flipped/changed their position  3 times during the cook to help them cook evenly. I took them all off at the same time.
I was nervous doing this many, but they came out pretty tasty. The key to doing this is making a heat deflector/coal partition out of a tin pan. The temp was rock solid around 250 or so at the dome. They took around 4.5 hours. That is when they passed the bend test.


Quote from: kendoll on August 30, 2013, 03:47:20 AM
Brilliant work. They look great.

Can I ask if you rotated the position of the ribs through the cook or did you just leave them where they were?

Hi Ken,
Yes I did rotate - see previous post for more details. I did have to baby it a little more than the WSM but not too much to be annoying.
The rest of the family had a nice array of sides - baked beans, coleslaw, fried okra, and homemade ice cream for desert. A good ole Okie meal :)


Great job. I haven't done that many on a kettle but the challenge inspires me to try. It is like fishing in a way. A " great but not my best run of ribs" is better than any day of work. O0