Do I really need a second temp gauge?!

Started by Chesterkettle, July 30, 2019, 08:53:00 AM

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I have a Red Limited Edition kettle that has the temp gauge on the opposite side of the vent. Whenever I cook indirect, I position the vent above my food, so the temp gauge is useless. I cooked a 16 lb standing rib roast this weekend and used a regular oven thermometer, but I had to keep lifting the lid to check it. Rather than drilling and installing a second lid thermometer, couldn't I just position the vent over the coals and use the original gauge?

Everything I've ever read or seen that discusses indirect cooking says you should put the vent over the meat so the smoke gets drawn over the meat...but what if I don't care about smoke? Does positioning the vent over the meat draw the heat towards the meat as well as smoke? Would the grill not work as efficiently with the vent over the coals?

I don't know why I've never considered this before, and was curious if anyone else has. Thanks for your time!

Mike in Roseville

Why drill? Consider a Thermoworks Smoke or a Maverick 732.


Quote from: Mike in Roseville on July 30, 2019, 01:40:11 PM
Why drill? Consider a Thermoworks Smoke or a Maverick 732.

I have a single probe Thermopro, so I didn't want to spend more and get a dual probe, but when I googled both of those devices you suggested, I found the 733 at Walmart right now for only $38! Wow, what luck! Thanks for the suggestion!


A probe at the grate is always more accurate than the lid therm.

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