My neighbor Bryon’s bbq team..Boommin BBQ.

Started by Dc_smoke309, June 22, 2019, 03:34:22 PM

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My neighbor has a bbq team that I am a part of . Couple events down so far . Here are some pictures of our cooks we have done . This 4th we're going to be in eureka lake in central Illinois. There's a big speck of 5000 people if not more. We're cooking 400 pounds of pork butt. 800 sandwiches. We could really use everyone's support if all you guys could look up boommin bbq on Facebook. Throw some likes give us a little support spread the word We would very much appreciate it! This is hopefully The start of a good thing!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club



sounds fun, best of luck, food is looking good
Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


Wife said "No more GRILLS in this house!" So I bought a 2nd house!