Ribs on the performer. Trying something new...

Started by bryanw21157, June 02, 2013, 09:58:40 AM

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Took my performer, stuck the smokenator in it with a load of coals and hickory, put the rotisserie ring on ,closed the bottom vent almost all the way, put two half slabs on and she's going nicely.  Sitting at 250 solid for an hour.

Thinking my time with the miniwsm is about over.  I have a smokin' machine here!
The only thing better than BBQ is more BBQ
Black Performer -- 18-1/2" Coca-Cola OTS -- Mini WSM -- 18-1/2" WSM -- 1997 Blue OTG -- 2014 Jumbo Joe / WSM


Nice cant wait for pics!! I'm still trying to decide if I should ask for a smokenator for Father's Day. 
MH Copper mist, Daisy Wheel P, Homer Simpson OTG, Blue 18, Blue Mastertouch, SJS, Genesis Sliver B, Red 18 Bar-b-q-kettle Pat Pending, Copper performer


Thought they were done.  They werent.  Blech....anyway, back on the grill with more heat.

Finishing up

Cut up on the plate

Ordering a ribolator tomorrow.  Nothing like raw pork to make you want to throw up...
The only thing better than BBQ is more BBQ
Black Performer -- 18-1/2" Coca-Cola OTS -- Mini WSM -- 18-1/2" WSM -- 1997 Blue OTG -- 2014 Jumbo Joe / WSM


Quote from: Chasing_smoke on June 02, 2013, 10:27:09 AM
Nice cant wait for pics!! I'm still trying to decide if I should ask for a smokenator for Father's Day.

I made my own out of 22 ga steel.

See thread I started with full write-up


Pics here:
The only thing better than BBQ is more BBQ
Black Performer -- 18-1/2" Coca-Cola OTS -- Mini WSM -- 18-1/2" WSM -- 1997 Blue OTG -- 2014 Jumbo Joe / WSM



Bryan, how long did you go @ that heat with the Smokentater?

This is a 5 & 1/2 hour cook....no gizmos but a firebrick to hold up the flip-up & a grate therm.......

Don't get me wrong....I  got no problem with add-ons & accessories, but it's still gonna take awhile to cook thru some pork & get it tender.....

"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


One tip that they're getting close to being done is that the meat will start to pull back on the bones. At that point some folks rely on the 'bend test' where you lift the rack by one end and the other end should hang straight down. Other's go with a toothpick between the bones which should meet little resistance. When the meat pulls back on the bone they're done enough to eat but will not be as tender as some like. At 250 I would guess 4 hours for back ribs, 5 for spares. but I like mine a little on the chewy side.

They look good and I'm sure they were well on their way to being great!
kettles, smokers...


Good points, Hank !!!

Bone exposure & bend test.....

"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


Quote from: Chasing_smoke on June 02, 2013, 10:27:09 AM
Nice cant wait for pics!! I'm still trying to decide if I should ask for a smokenator for Father's Day.

you should not.
the smokenator is a waste of money - you can get the same effect with some fire bricks
