Pork Chop Dinner: Jumbo Joe and Inverted Vortex

Started by jcnaz, February 09, 2018, 04:55:04 PM

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I received a jar of homemade Rub from @CatskillSmoker, and have been looking for an opportunity to try it out. I finally got that opportunity last night when I needed to make dinner for just myself, and found some pork chops in the freezer.

I brined them for four hours, then rubbed them with the seasoning mix.
20180208_185747 by jcnaz, on Flickr
I pulled out the Jumbo Joe, put my mini Vortex in with the wide end up, and lit a small chimney of Royal Oak Ridge briquettes.
20180208_173723 by jcnaz, on Flickr
20180208_174727 by jcnaz, on Flickr
Once the coals were ready I added apple wood chunks and put on some spaghetti squash, followed by some jalapeno cheddar sausages.
20180208_185528 by jcnaz, on Flickr

When the sausage was done, the chops went on. I kept them indirect and then gave them a quick sear as they came up to temp.
20180208_192252 by jcnaz, on Flickr

The final step was to cook some broccoli that was seasoned with balsamic dressing.

20180208_193005 by jcnaz, on Flickr

The JJ was terrific, and the mini Vortex made indirect cooking a breeze. I was not looking for the typical Vortex high heat cook, and inverting it may slow down the burning of the charcoal. I was also able to keep the grate temperature down around 300f by limiting the lower vent. I was cooking for about an hour and 20 minutes and still had a good amount of charcoal left at the end of the cook.

@CatskillSmoker makes some very fine pork rub! I don' know what all is in it or if he has named it, but I recommend it.
A bunch of black kettles


Glad you enjoyed the rub. Been working on it for a while. Spicy Maple rub of mine
I've been making rubs for 15+ years. I only buy rubs from time to time.
I need a few testers. The first 5 people to PM me, I will send you some.
Sharing is caring.


I read "pork chop dinner" and tuned in immediately. That all looks great. Nice cook.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


WGA, Uline Green SJ, '95 Red M/T, '88 Red 18", '01 Plum SSP, Patent Pending Yellow



I love the fact that you realize the vortex does not have to be centered...Excellent use of the tools that you have...And some fine looking chow...


A bunch of black kettles


Quote from: SMOKE FREAK on February 10, 2018, 04:58:16 PM
I love the fact that you realize the vortex does not have to be centered...Excellent use of the tools that you have...And some fine looking chow...

X2! The V is sooooo versatile, and your food looks grate!
Multiple kettles and WSM's. I am not a collector, just a gatherer... and a sick bastard.