Pre-rub on ribs, or anything for that matter

Started by kmart-88, June 29, 2017, 05:53:07 PM

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Just looking for some pros/cons on what to do before applying your rub to ribs or anything. EVOO, mustard, nothing but a pat dry? My first rib cook I used some EVOO before my rub and everything turned out fine. Just looking for some intel

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I remove the membrane on the back side. Pat both sides dry then hit them with a rub.

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.


I rinse them in the sink; ribs are cut with a band saw, so you want to rinse off any dust or bone shards. Rub seems to stick to the wet rib surface just fine.


when I cook ribs its like I'm always practicing for a comp! Fresh or juiced ribs? Depends what technique I'll use, but always pull the membrane and season for at least 4-6 hours to overnight, then re-season before hitting the cooker. I've used mustard, Pecan or Walnut oil, salt, brown sugar and vinegar, brine or injections. I'm kind of into hanging ribs until I get the color I want then wrap with a flavorful mixture and lay on the grate.

My wife took a CBJ class and is now an authority and is sick of my ribs and says she only wants them "fall off the bone" and Maple bacon flavored! I don't know where she got that in her head!
I cook on: Backwoods Gater, Lang 36, Hunsaker Smokers, Pellet Pro 22" WSM, BGE's, WSM's, Cajun Bandits, PK Grills, Drum Smokers, Genesis Silver C, Weber Q's, Cookshack 008, Little Chief, La Caja China #2, Lodge Sportsman...oh yeah! Weber Kettles! Kamado restoration and pit modification hack!


Quote from: swamprb on June 30, 2017, 12:30:33 AM
My wife took a CBJ class and is now an authority and is sick of my ribs and says she only wants them "fall off the bone" and Maple bacon flavored! I don't know where she got that in her head!
;D ;D ;D


I've seasoned overnight for a morning smoke and found the ribs to taste very hammy.
I'm sure it varies seasoning to seasoning and technique to technique though.


I just keep it simple. Always remove the membrane to get the spices to penetrate. Then use mustard or siracha or oil with whatever seasoning you want. Whatever you use under the seasoning won't add much flavor but helps the seasoning stick.

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WGA, Uline Green SJ, '95 Red M/T, '88 Red 18", '01 Plum SSP, Patent Pending Yellow


I use a very light coat of Dukes mayonnaise before I put the rub on .. try this .. the results will amaze you .. nice crispy crunchy bark .. juicy meat inside.


I remove the membrane, season with Mad Hunky General Purpose Rub, and let them sit for maybe 2 hours. I've found that the overnight in the fridge with the rub gig makes them taste hammy. Then go to it as you wish.
Multiple kettles and WSM's. I am not a collector, just a gatherer... and a sick bastard.

Big Dawg

I've never seen the need for any kind of a glue (mustard,mayo, etc.) to get the rub to stick.  I do remove the membrane.  I usually hit it with a rub no more than 3 hours or so prior to cooking.

The Sultans of Swine
22.5 WSM - Fat Boy
22.5 OTG - Little Man/26.75 - Big Kahuna


Quote from: swamprb on June 30, 2017, 12:30:33 AM
when I cook ribs its like I'm always practicing for a comp! Fresh or juiced ribs? Depends what technique I'll use, but always pull the membrane and season for at least 4-6 hours to overnight, then re-season before hitting the cooker. I've used mustard, Pecan or Walnut oil, salt, brown sugar and vinegar, brine or injections. I'm kind of into hanging ribs until I get the color I want then wrap with a flavorful mixture and lay on the grate.

My wife took a CBJ class and is now an authority and is sick of my ribs and says she only wants them "fall off the bone" and Maple bacon flavored! I don't know where she got that in her head!

My last rack was exactly like maple bacon and fall off the bone and a total accident. Only thing I can think of is they went longer than I normally cook them and they were more fatty than other cuts I've had in the past. The lovely wife loved them. How do you accomplish this?

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Looking for: Red MBH 26"(The Aristocrat), Chestnut-coppertone (The Estate), Glen-blue (The Imperial), and The Plainsman.