Victoria holiday monday morning score.

Started by greenweb, May 22, 2017, 08:02:58 AM

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Picked this up just now from a lady who brought it over from Germany when they moved here and now moving back to Germany. I don't think I have seen one of these kettle before. Excited to have scored my first real Euro kettle.


Foster Dahlet

I like my Kettles like my coffee....strong and black.

2019 Black 26" OKP; 2015 Black 22" OKP; 2004 Black SJP; mid 70's Statesman; mid 70's Gourmet, 2017 Black CGA; 2000 Black GGA;

johnny 2 shack


Seeking a Black Sequoia I know I know, I'd settle for just the tabbed no leg grill


OKP Crimson, 22" H Code Brownie, SJS Lime, 22" CB Stacker, Red Q2200, Performer Deluxe CB slate blue

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?"  H. Simpson


Thank you all!

Just had it washed inside and out. That was all it required as it was really clean to begin with.  I will be using and testing Flame disc for the first time to burn in and dry out the kettle instead of lighting charcoal.


Staying around 400f. Just curious how long this will burn.

And here she is all washed up with Zav wooden handles.

Thanks for looking.


Its called a Primium.
The kettle line up here goes like this here.
Bar-B-Kettle : bottom daisy wheel air vents.
Compact 47-57cm : jumbo Joe type
One Touch : standard grill, 1 handle
Premium : 2 handles , hinged grate, t-meter, ash can.
And Master Touch

That makes yours a Premium model.

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


@vwengguy - you are bang on. I found this German Weber Catalog that shows the model on the bot. left. Not sold here in North America.

Temp is pegged at the limit pass 600f. Looks like I can grill steaks no problem as it looks like it will burn over an 1hr.  Pretty neat getting it this hot without any charcoal.  I am even thinking that I can cut this stuff inside and use it as a charcoal starter.

Don't need to take in anymore kettles but real happy to have score this today.


It's not about needing to bring in more kettles...

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


Quote from: WNC on May 22, 2017, 03:46:45 PM
It's not about needing to bring in more kettles...

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app

Did I say I don't need to bring in anymore kettles.  How about 26er score few hrs ago in my car. Will have to wait till tomorrow to bring it out when wife is out.  Can't believe my luck. Great condition, just like this Euro 18" and nice clean cooking grate. AD code 2010.

No pics yet but has welded handle with no shield and has black ash bucket. Came with a cover and another Weber charcoal chimney.  Must be my lucky week after gifting both gasser and charcoal grills on Sunday.