Online listings seem to come in waves

Started by Cellar2ful, August 02, 2016, 07:13:49 AM

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Is there a memo I'm not getting? At the beginning of summer, there were a lot of redheads on CL. For the last month seemed like there was nothing but blue's on the Bay Area online listings. I had never seen any models like this one in online listings until this week.  This week there were three. One blue and two sage, including the one @mirkwood posted on Online Finds today.  This is the other sage that was posted this week and it is now in my arsenal, scored for $50. For color, other than Imperial Blue, this has to be my favorite color. Looks elegant yet stunning with a black and white ebony @zavod44 handle. It is a DH Code (2004). What was this model called?

Before a little detail work

After the clean up (I had to sand the table as it had rust stains from cans left on it during winter and the fiberglass table was really rough from sun exposure/bleaching)

Black and white ebony Zav

"Chasing Classic Kettles"


I have seen a lot of sun bleached fiber glass tables, sanding works pretty good huh?
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Nice find, Cellar, great job on the restore.
WTB, Westerner, glen blue,


So, are you going to change your handle to @yard2ful ?     ;D

It's a good thing no one else in the Bay Area want's any kettles. You've been on fire.

And they're all beautiful. I'm enjoying seeing my kettles at your place    ;)

Not sent from the Weber Kettle Club app
Dude, relax your chicken.


I agree on the "waves". They definitely seem to happen in cycles.

Nice score on that one, and cleanup! I'm getting jealous over here!

Sent from my iPhone using Weber Kettle Club mobile app


That is a One Touch Platinum, or OTP. That handle is awesome. 
Still need a 22" yellow


Quote from: dazzo on August 02, 2016, 08:03:06 AM

So, are you going to change your handle to @yard2ful ?     ;D

It's a good thing no one else in the Bay Area want's any kettles. You've been on fire.

And they're all beautiful. I'm enjoying seeing my kettles at your place    ;)

Not sent from the Weber Kettle Club app

*Yard2ful - ROTFL  you are hysterical Dazzo. Yes, I have been pretty fortunate.

@LightningBoldtz- Yes, the sanding worked real good.  By sanding to remove the rust stain, I found the area I sanded was real smooth compared to the rest of the table.  I just went for it and sanded the whole table with fine emery cloth. Finished it with #0000 steel wool. Real smooth now compared to when I picked it up.  What brought the color back was an application of a product called 303 Protectant. It is a water based marine/aerospace product for plastics, marine vinyl and fiberglass.  It has fantastic UV protection. Also used it on the bottom grey plastic cross supports of the table and the wheels.
"Chasing Classic Kettles"


I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


Quote from: LightningBoldtz on August 02, 2016, 09:34:15 AM
Awesome, we should do a write up on this @Troy and @SixZeroFour
Great idea.
Maybe yard2ful wants to write it?

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk


@Cellar2ful It this something that you could help with we could put it in the Restore category.  That is a great find, I see that all the time on gassers and gen 2 performers.
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"


CGA,GGA, jumbo joe, 3-18" kettles,22" blue,green,yellow and 2 reds, 1-22" lid mod for pizza, a genesis silver,2 Red SS Performers,2 26ers,1 red, 1 chief and a Ranch Kettle.


Wow! What a fine looking kettle. That sage is such a cool color. Sadly, I've never seen it in person.
Growing family = growing kettles!


Great looking grill. I love those Sage OTPs.

@Cellar2ful 303 Protectant is one of my favorites to have in the garage.  I use it exclusively on my cars (dash, trim, etc.). Good idea to use it on your table and cross bars.
Quote from: Cellar2ful on August 02, 2016, 09:30:53 AM
What brought the color back was an application of a product called 303 Protectant. It is a water based marine/aerospace product for plastics, marine vinyl and fiberglass.  It has fantastic UV protection. Also used it on the bottom grey plastic cross supports of the table and the wheels.
Wanted: Burgundy 18"


@LightningBoldtz & @Troy - Sure guys. I would be honored  to contribute to an article on the restoration. With all the knowledge I have gleaned from the WKC restoration links, it would be nice to be able to give back. Thanks.  Will someone PM me with guidelines?

"Chasing Classic Kettles"