Is your significant other hooked too?

Started by Yendor, May 19, 2016, 07:57:55 AM

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As some of you know It all started innocently. I found a Red 1999 MT for $25, a few days later my wife found a mid-70's red in a scrap pile, that she picked up for me (it is awaiting rehab, have wheels and new handle). Just a second ago she sent me a FB message of a local garage sale and you guessed it, a metal handled red head with the comment of, "Grill?". Do any of your significant others do this to you as well? I asked about the price of this kettle too. Dang, just what I need.

btomlin wife has a difficult time comprehending why I have/need a genesis propane and a SSP.  :)


My wife was sweet/cute enough to point out she saw a couple kettles on a loading dock.. When she realized how interested I was to know details, she felt bad for not taking a photo at least..or poke around and find someone to chat with.


I'll report back tonight once I get to look at it, in my back yard. $10 and the wife is picking it up after work.

Yes, she is my enabler.


I definitely would not go as far as to say my wife is hooked nor an enabler. That being said, I've never heard a complaint about what comes off those grills

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Well, she couldn't make it after work and it was at a garage sale. She is working at home today so she rushed out over her lunch time to grab it. Waiting on a vent lid pic to see if it has a date code on it.

If I would have gone to the mountain bike races today I would have missed out on this thing as I take my wife's Jeep in order to take my fat bike.

UPDATE: She sent me a picture of the vent lid, there is a strategically placed bird dropping covering the letter code, but it appears to be an "A".  She's working again and not willing to go clean and look. I guess I have 2 to clean this weekend now.


Congrats Yendor, but don't get your hopes up too quick as she might change her ways after your 5th or so addition


Now my wife is thinking that this one she picked up may be an 18" kettle! Even better! I looked that the pictures to see what is visibly different between the 2 and just noticed the kettle handles are different between the 22 and 18. So yes indeed this is an 18" red 1979 kettle!  Yes, I am excited.


Quote from: demosthenes9 on May 19, 2016, 09:34:11 AM
Congrats Yendor, but don't get your hopes up too quick as she might change her ways after your 5th or so addition
I haven't talked about my pellet grills or my stick burner here yet. So we are good for now. I think this will be the last though. I need a couple sets of grates and some elbow grease and we will be good to go. The 3 red heads are now Sarah, Lucy and Trinity-the girls of the Trailer Park Boys.


Some pictures for your viewing pleasure. Do I get too excited for this stuff?

FB pic from the garage sale (tried cropping it, but it didn't take)

Vent lid pic from spousal unit


What is the opposite of hooked?  That's what my wife is.   >:(

She's pretty much given up at this point, so that's at least somewhat in the right direction.  ::)


Nice score! I'm talking about your wife.
May The Smoke Be With You!


Mine sort of tolerates the hobby, but I think she's coming around. When I picked up the blue and told her I was gonna sell the black OTG... "but your mom bought that one" OK, I'll sell the Silver.  "But that was your first Weber..."


My wife is fully on board ... In fact, she has been with me on at least 5 rescues ... However, she is a UNICORN.   :o ;D ;) 8)
Q: How do you know something is bull$h!t?
A: When you are not allowed to question it.


She is supportive but not even close to hooked.