Dove Grey Performer Clean Up Completed

Started by Josh G, February 06, 2016, 11:31:24 AM

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Josh G

Just finished the clean up of my Grey Performer that I found on Craigslist about 6 weeks ago.  I got really lucky with this one as everything was beat up except for the bowl and lid.  My new table arrived last week and it is amazing the difference it makes.  I saw a couple other guys who just found these and you should definitely pick up the table.     8)


Did you have any before shots ?  Love to see them if you do.
Smokey Joe Black, Smokey Joe Lime Green, Original Kettle Premium Black,'92 Red OTS, Yellow Simpson's 22, 78 Red MBH, '80 Black MBH, '10 Brick Red Performer,'12 Grass Green Performer, '03 Blue SSP, '97 Blue SSP, 18 inch WSM


Looks great. Beautiful Weber

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Looking for Blue Mastertouch or Blue Performer. 

Currently have: Performer (Green); 22.5 Mastertouch (Red); 26.75 OTG;  22.5 WSM; 18.5 WSM; Jumbo Joe; SJS (Green Uline); SJG (used for Mini WSM); Blue SS Performer; Blue MBH; Summit


Now that's a sweet Performer!! Nice job cleaning her up Josh
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E



Gorgeous! Definitely going to get the new table for my grey. 
May The Smoke Be With You!


Now that's what I'm talking about. Been wanting to see a grey preformer with the new table, since I saw a grey preformer. Looks as good as I imagined. Hope I find one someday.
Still need a 22" yellow


The new table on the gen 2 performers is amazing, I did the same with my C&B green performer
I am not a collector, but I do have a small collection.
"You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want"

Josh G

Quote from: captjoe06 on February 06, 2016, 11:32:51 AM
Did you have any before shots ?  Love to see them if you do.

Here you go.  This is from when I found it.

Thanks guys!  I have yet to see a performer that does not look better with the new table.


That's not a rehab, that's a resurrection! Nice job. I love that gray color.
Starting LineUp: Summit Charcoal Grilling Center, Ranch Kettle, Genesis E310, SJ Gold MiniWSM, the JETTLE,
Alumni: Performer Dlx, 22.5" WSM, 26" OTG, 18.5" WSM, 22" OTP


that's a sweet performer right there!  nice job! 
I only use kettles with lid bales.


Great looking performer.  Nice job, Josh.
WTB, Westerner, glen blue,


Now that's sharp!
Great job on the restore, that's a great color combination

Uncle Al


Wow beautiful!  Up until now I had no interest in grays.  But it looks perfect with the new table!  I like it even better than the stainless steel
Chasing the impossibles: Westerner, Custom, Meat Cut!