Kebabs on the Performer over the weekend.

Started by Stringplucker1, October 13, 2015, 07:20:34 AM

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My mother in law was over Saturday, and brought some home grown Okra which she wanted to cook. She's from Pakistan so we can expect lots of spice and oniony goodness.
I decided to make some kebabs to go with. 1lb ground lamb, 1lb ground sirloin, some chopped cilantro, and some harissa. Simple enough. Set that aside while I went and lit a full chimney and popped a beverage.

Blazing hot chimney dumped, added a chunk of Hickory.

Kebabs on.

My sous chef said they smelled good.

Kebabs off after a quick 10 minute cook.

Homemade Roti bread given a quick warm up.

On the plate with plain basmati and the mother in laws Okra. Simple condiments of lemon, sliced onion and jalapeƱo.

Thanks for looking.

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C&B Blue Performer


Oh my goodness that looks amazing!!  I have a small addiction to South Asian cuisine, the spices and flavours are just out of this world. And your sweet little helper looks like she's soaking in all the grilling knowledge :) Good Stuff!

Thanks for sharing, and really sharp performer as well
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


Agreed that looks amazing. No skewers necessary!


Man that all looks great! And like Six said, your sous chef looking on is classic, I see a future grill master in the making!


Good looking grub! I like that blue performer.


That is good looking food. The kebabs are a great idea.


Thanks for the positive comments all.

She just turned 4 about 3 weeks ago and is well on her way to learning her way around the kitchen and grill. She helps me cook dinner every day. I can't wait until our younger two show interest in learning to cook as well.

One of the greatest things about cooking is, 38 years on and I'm still learning. In fact, when I brought the kebabs inside, my mother in law tells me the secret to making the kebabs softer. Mix in chickpea flour. I can't wait to try that out. Looks like we'll be having kebabs again soon.
C&B Blue Performer