MOD MONTH 2015! Official Master Thread

Started by MartyG, September 12, 2015, 07:09:39 AM

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Lumpy Coal

Here's mine, have a couple more ideas rolling around in my head but I'm not sure if I'll have time to get to them.


No clue how I missed your orig post Lumpy but that's just awesome!
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E



Quote from: Lumpy Coal on September 18, 2015, 10:30:34 AM
Here's mine, have a couple more ideas rolling around in my head but I'm not sure if I'll have time to get to them.

You gotta use an 18 in there, and put a smokey joe on top.
It'll be a Weber Snowman Mountain

Lumpy Coal

Lumpy Coal

Quote from: Troy on September 18, 2015, 02:54:43 PM
Quote from: Lumpy Coal on September 18, 2015, 10:30:34 AM
Here's mine, have a couple more ideas rolling around in my head but I'm not sure if I'll have time to get to them.

You gotta use an 18 in there, and put a smokey joe on top.
It'll be a Weber Snowman Mountain

Lol. That's what my wife and kids said but I only have 22". 


Quote from: MartyG on September 12, 2015, 07:09:39 AM

FYI - the heights of the various levels are as follows:

Ground to lip of bowl section = 29"
Ground to lower grate = 37"
Ground to top grate = 45"

Overall height with lid = 58"

Looks taller in the pics than it appears in person, here's one to give it scale.


Less than a week away! Thread is "officially" open next Thursday!


Quote from: gunner on September 12, 2015, 08:46:36 AM
Here is my mod submission, thanks!!

I took a Weber Performer Silver and converted it to a WSM cart.

Flattened out the bottom wire rack

Cut a piece of wood to fit on the bottom rack and spray painted it black

Put the wire rack back in the cart and inserted the painted wood base

The height is PERFECT when the WSM is in the cart. The lid is just above the table.

Here it is in action  ;D My favorite thing is the fact I can roll the cart around with ease and I have a work table for thermometers and a place to hang utensils. It's also very easy to open the door to knock around the coals if need be.

Thanks for looking!


Very very nice!

Hell Fire Grill

You can't always get what you want....but if you try sometimes you get what you need


The WKC Statesman will be voting on their 3 favorite mods, and the 3 people with the most votes will be getting a WKC wooden handle as a prize!

- you must post 3 or more pics
- you must post a small write up about what you did and how you did it



Not much of a Mod, not even close to some I've seen.  I like to re-use and-repurpose things. Found a gasser out by the road and just kinda saw the stainless side tables and got em. Riveted the 2 together, cut the curve in the end and fashioned a bracket out of scraps to fit over the handle. Put a couple pieces of 2x4 underneath to stiffen it up. Used some leg sockets from a scrap kettle and legs from another scrap grill I had found. Total investment was about an hour of labor. Works great.
Thanks for letting me show off how i put scrap to use.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk


Been so busy! I better get moving and modding...

Firedude5015 sweet side table!


While I got my inspiration from G and his solution to wobbly legs mod for the 26.75 OTG

I did the mod and never looked back!

Click to view video

In my mind I always thought the Mini Ranch Kettle needed side tables, and I lucked out and found a pair of Stainless Steel folding side tables for a Primo grill.

I cut some angle steel and secured them to the leg frames and bolted the table mounts to them.

Thats my story and I'm stickin' to it!
I cook on: Backwoods Gater, Lang 36, Hunsaker Smokers, Pellet Pro 22" WSM, BGE's, WSM's, Cajun Bandits, PK Grills, Drum Smokers, Genesis Silver C, Weber Q's, Cookshack 008, Little Chief, La Caja China #2, Lodge Sportsman...oh yeah! Weber Kettles! Kamado restoration and pit modification hack!