This sort of thing infuriates me...

Started by ramsfan, January 09, 2013, 03:42:45 AM

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Look at this CL posting for a nice SS Weber Platinum. A beautiful piece of equipment with such fine qualities being left out in the snow with total disregard. At my house, the $30k automobile stays out in the snow and the Weber goes in the garage!

They say the ignition doesn't work anymore so they gave up on it and went out and bought a green egg. The worst and most unforgiveable part was saying they no longer have any use for a Weber anymore.
This is the original Weber kettle. The most powerful bbq grill in the world and can blow your taste-buds clean off! So, you have to ask yourself one question: "Do you feel hungry? Well, do you punk?"



I just wish I had their idea of a "problem". Expensive and nice Weber gasser ingnition doesn't work? Oh well, c'mon lets all go out and buy an even more expenisive Big Green Egg. YAY US!! All is right with the world!   ::)



These people are my favorite kind...I'll take their garbage.

Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X

pbe gummi bear

Don't sweat it ramsfan. More stuff for guys like us!
"Have you hugged your Weber today?"
Check out WKC on Facebook:


Nothing wrong with eggs.....if you're a chicken.   

The stainless steel frame on that Weber has more integerity than any clay pot could ever have.  Eggheads and other kamado kopycats have their place in the world, but why would you exchange the versatility, simplicity, and durability of a Weber.  IMHO


I'm with Brian. I picked up this e-310 this week. Guy was throwing it away because he got a large BGE for Xmas, and he didn't see the point of having 2 grills. I wasn't about to talk him out of it. He said he didn't really like it because the ignitor didn't work! LOL! Good luck with that BGE igniter! Turned out the battery was dead. Ha! Glad I caught him on the curb.

Giving this one to the M-I-L.


Nice job.  I hope the inlaws enjoy it.  From the outside it hardly looks used. 



That's before I cleaned it. It's a perfectly fine BBQ. M-I-L loves it! I found a e-320 in the same shape about 6 months ago wifey uses it for those quick weeknight meals, I can't believe I've picked up 2 in such nice condition this one is from 2008.


I found a free kettle on CL this summer, and was curious as to why he was giving it away. Turns out he got some huge drum-type charcoal grill/side smoker unit for Father's Day, and he didn't have room on the deck anymore (srsly, the thing was over 6 feet long). 

He was really proud of his new toy, but he was swearing up a storm about the two butts he had tried to smoke the day before.  He spent like 13 hours chasing the temps up and down, and in the end he said it tasted terrible.  I didn't have the heart to tell him he was *giving away* a *far* superior smoker in favor of a whiz-bang shiny POS.  I thanked him for his grill, gave it a quick cleaning, added an ash bucket, and delivered it to my friend's deck.  The next weekend, he was cranking out awesome shoulders like a pro. 
One of the charcoal people.


One man's trash-another man's treasure.  Got to love it.


I saw a bayou classic Kamado I thought was beautiful.  I would get it, but I wouldn't get rid of my other stuff.  Like Reilly said, the Weber Kettle is far to versatile to get rid of.  And I certainly wouldn't haul a $1500 dollar Weber gasser to the curb for the junkers to take away.  I would suppose you can go back in two years and get those BGEggs the guy will be hauling to the curb.  As soon as the vent gets stuck they will get rid of it....

Vintage Weber Grill raconteur and bon vivant.....and definitely Sir Agent X