OH YEAH...Steak, twice baked potato & shrooms

Started by Nate, February 15, 2015, 06:03:47 PM

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Made up an outback Steakhouse rub for the new Yorks and on the homemade mojoe. Twice baked potatoes and garlic shooms on the mojoe


I need one of those potatoes asap. nice crust on the steak and i always have garlic mushrooms with my steak. great cook and definitely worthy of the OH YAH :D that piece of cheese thats oozed out onto the flat top looks heavenly.
"Seeing pictures of a nice steak without viewing the middle is like seeing a nice pair of tits in a bra. You tease!!!!"
22.5 black OTG kettle, 18.5 WSM, Jumbo Joe


AcrossFromHoss. Just saw this... "Seeing pictures of a nice steak without viewing the middle is like seeing a nice pair of tits in a bra. You tease!!!!"
How's this?

Just the way I like it. 8)


Nothing just exactly like a flat griddle steak crust......very nicely done !!!!

I could eat on dinner like that 'till I puffed up & tilted over...... :o

Don't have a griddle, per say, so sometimes it's Wok-A-Steak.......

"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


If we were meant to grill with gas then the garden of Eden would have had a pipeline

Tim in PA

-2012 Black Performer-2006 Green OTG-2009 Q Gasser-



Great looking cook Nate, it all looks perfect!
W E B E R    B A R - B - Q    K E T T L E


Steak looks great! Homemade mojo looks awesome!