Teal kettle? Or just an oddball image?

Started by GregS, October 01, 2014, 10:01:08 AM

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I found this one that i thought looked really cool.

It could be just a bad image from the seller but i thought i'd run it past the experts.

It looks "teal" to me but was there a teal a few years back?

I'll probably grab it because the price is right and it's near me. 

I only use kettles with lid bales.


looks like a modern green with a nice coat of dust.
the photo is a bit over exposed and the white balance is off


Quote from: Troy on October 01, 2014, 10:05:35 AM
looks like a modern green with a nice coat of dust.
the photo is a bit over exposed and the white balance is off
Yep that's green.
Wanted: 18" Platinum any color will work
This is my Kettle there are many like it but this one is mine......

Red Kettle Rich

Looking for a RED 26" Kettle & a tabbed no leg RED 22" Kettle near STL. Copper Sam Adams SJ anywhere 8)


ok thanks so that's the normal dark green just covered in dust and shiz? 

$5 says it was an iphone pic.  :o
I only use kettles with lid bales.


Why does it gottta be an iPhone pic?  Yes, its a modern green..
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


Quote from: Red Kettle Rich on October 01, 2014, 11:57:01 AM
@GregS - Since its near you, check it out 8)
@Red Kettle Rich
heading there in a few minutes.  :D
Quote from: Heyjude on October 01, 2014, 07:35:11 PM
Why does it gottta be an iPhone pic?  Yes, its a modern green..
by modern green you mean the darker green? 

(re:  iphones....  because the very popular iphone's cameras pretty much suck.  i'm not hating on iphones, they're very popular.  their phones do not take great photos though.  don't attack me for it, get a iphone 6 or anything samsung and call it a day). 
I only use kettles with lid bales.


by modern green you mean the darker green? 

Yes, the darker green..  It looks to be in very good condition, just dusty.  8)
I don't care if you don't like my Avatar, its there for me..


welp, i checked it out.  it was in real good shape just dirty, no rust, no chips, sweeps worked fine.

i was first on the list because traffic was light and i guess i left home early.

before the open i was talking with the guys in line, some were flippers, some had stores etc.  i said, "i'm just here for the weber and i'm not looking to open up a store".  some laughed and one guys says, "go ahead, open a store".  to which i replied, "yeah, no thanks.  that's too much work, just here for the kettle". 

go outside after open and one of the guys walked up behind me and asked why i wanted that dirty thing priced at $25 while i was checking it out.  i gave him the same answer i give everyone that asks me a question i'm not sure i want to answer.  "why do you ask?"

he says he just bought a house and was here for the yard tools and heard me talking with the others before the open.
remembering how many kettles i have currently and that i'm doing another deal for 2 saturday morning, and one that should arrive today from richmond i started to think... i am not a collector... 

so i cut through what could have been complete BS with the guy and i give him the low down as i saw it.  "okay, this is $150 at the store.  it's green and most of them are black.  it's in good condition she just needs a good cleaning.  you could flip this for $50 on craigs and have a line at your door in an hour.  but if you want a great bbq for that new house then buy it, clean it up and get a chimney for $15 and a big bag of kingsford.  you'll be set.  if you want to sell it in 4 years you'll still get that $50."

he was looking it over good as i said "don't hesitate, pay for it and put it in your truck." 

i walked back inside and bought the cast iron skillet, dutch oven and nailgun.  everyone needs a nailgun and i got the lodge skillet and dutch, both with lids, for $35.

no i didn't get the kettle, i probably have too many as it is.  i sold my copper OTG this afternoon because ole blue is close to completion and i have three or seven left to work on and winter is approaching fast. 

as i pulled away i watched him loading the green kettle in the back of his honda SUV with a kiddy chair sitting next to the car.  pretty sure he wasn't crapping me.

i needed the cast iron anyway and everyone needs a pneumatic nail gun when they're $12.   
I only use kettles with lid bales.