Failing on a grill is still a win in my book

Started by Tim in PA, May 20, 2014, 04:56:24 PM

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Tim in PA

I've been thinking about this topic this evening. Perhaps I'm lucky but I can't think of anything that I've attempted on the grill to be a complete failure. Even when something is not exactly what you expect, it is usually still edible. And if it really is bad, you just learned a new way not to do something.

Tonight I tried to smoke some pretzels and this time I went as basic as possible and it finally turned out the way I initially thought. The prior times I learned what not to do.

What do you all think?
-2012 Black Performer-2006 Green OTG-2009 Q Gasser-


What I think is that maybe it's because of the effort involved, but yes, "eating the mistakes" also brings a satisfaction.
It's the iconic symbol for the backyard. It's family/friends, food and fun. What more do you need to feel everything [is] going to be all right. As long as we can still have a BBQ in our backyard, the world seems a bit of a better place. At least for that moment. -reillyranch


To me I learn from the mistakes, it's going to happen no matter what.  I haven't had to many complete fail cooks. Except the first time I made a brisket on a propane grill.  I'm pretty sure that cardboard has more moisture than that brisket did! I still have many worries about cooking brisket but have learned more and more each time I cook it. 

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

MH Copper mist, Daisy Wheel P, Homer Simpson OTG, Blue 18, Blue Mastertouch, SJS, Genesis Sliver B, Red 18 Bar-b-q-kettle Pat Pending, Copper performer


Failing just motivates me to try again. I know I have it down when I can cook it after a 6 pack and it comes out perfect. The two things I cant get right are cookies are always burnt or cake like and brisket flats are to tough or to dry with out the pan. I did recently perfect my beef ribs that took a few tries to get just right.If I want to eat with no effort I use a microwave or a debit card.

I nailed a grilled pork tenderloin with a honey and brown sugar glaze , side of rice tonight. quick, easy, semi healthy, very cheap.
91 kettle black , 22.5 OTG black, 18.5 OTS black, 76 Red Head MBH, 18.5in Smokey Mountain .


There has been stuff in the past that was inedible......I may or may not choose to share...... :o
"If you want it fancy there is BBQ spray paint at home depot for that. "
    Covered, damper-controlled cooking.....IF YOU PLEASE !!!
           "But the ever versatile kettle reigned supreme"    


I once marinated chicken thighs for two days because I couldn't get to it when I planned to. It had pineapple & cloves in it, plus other stuff I don't recall from an online recipe. 

The flavor was too strong, but I was intent on not wasting it. I also made the mistake of waiting till the last day on the package to marinate, so we ate them two days after the sell by date. My stomach was not happy for a couple days. I still cringe thinking about that meal! But the cooking part wasn't the problem, so I guess I agree.

Sent via smoke signals from my Weber kettle


Hey Tim I'm with you.  So far I didn't make anything that didn't turn out pretty good.  Now some have been better than others but on a whole I have been very lucky not to screw anything up.  I found one thing I was anal on was the grill temp but almost everything I have made even if I didn't nail the temp the food still was super juicy with good smoke flavoring.  Now I'm not as bad needed to check the temps as much.
Platinum Performer Kettle (In Blue), OTG (In Blue)
Genesis Gasser (In Blue), Smokey Joe (Uline Lime)
Looking to buy (18.5 blue or brownie and blue lantern)